Smoked Chicken Wings Recipe: A Wing to Remember!

Today, we’re going on a culinary adventure that will tickle your taste buds and make your neighbors jealous with the irresistible aroma wafting from your backyard. Yes, we’re talking about a smoked chicken wing recipe!


  • Chicken Wings (2 lbs): The star of our show. They’re juicy, they’re tender, and they’re about to be delicious. Chicken wings are the perfect canvas for our smoky, savory flavors. They have just the right balance of meat, skin, and bone to give us a satisfying bite every time.
  • Olive Oil (2 tbsp): This gives our wings a nice, crispy skin. It’s like sunbathing for chicken wings, but tastier! Olive oil also helps our seasoning stick to the wings, ensuring every bite is packed with flavor.
  • Smoked Paprika (1 tbsp): For that smoky flavor that makes you feel like a cowboy…or cowgirl…or cowperson! Smoked paprika adds a depth of flavor that’s hard to beat. It’s like a campfire in your mouth, but in a good way.
  • Garlic Powder (1 tsp): Because everything is better with garlic. It’s the universal law of cooking! Garlic powder gives us that savory, umami flavor that makes our taste buds dance with joy.
  • Cayenne Pepper (1/2 tsp): For those who like it hot. If you don’t, just skip it. We won’t judge. But if you do, cayenne pepper adds a kick that will wake up your mouth and say, “Hello, flavor town!”
  • Salt and Pepper to taste: The dynamic duo of the culinary world. They’re like Batman and Robin, but for your taste buds. Salt enhances all the other flavors, making them shine, while pepper adds a bit of heat and complexity.

Optional Ingredients:

  • Brown Sugar (1 tbsp): For a sweet twist to your smoky wings. It’s like a surprise party for your mouth. Brown sugar caramelizes on the wings, giving them a beautiful, shiny glaze and a touch of sweetness to balance out the heat.
  • Lemon Zest (1 tsp): To add a bit of tanginess and make your wings zing! Lemon zest is like a burst of sunshine on your wings. It cuts through the richness and brightens up the whole dish.


  1. Marinate the Wings: In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients together. Add the chicken wings and make sure they’re well coated. Let them marinate for at least an hour. The longer, the better. Patience is a virtue, my friends! This is where the magic happens. The wings are soaking up all those delicious flavors, getting ready to be the best wings they can be.
  2. Preheat the Smoker: While your wings are soaking up all those delicious flavors, preheat your smoker to 250°F (120°C). If your smoker could talk, it would be saying, “Feed me, Seymour!” Preheating the smoker is crucial. It ensures that the wings cook evenly and get that beautiful, smoky flavor all the way through.
  3. Smoke ‘Em Up: Place the wings on the smoker rack, making sure they’re not touching. Close the lid and let them smoke for about 2 hours. This is a good time to catch up on your favorite Netflix show. But remember, no spoilers! The wings need their space to smoke properly. Overcrowding can lead to uneven cooking and less than perfect wings. And we can’t have that, can we?
  4. Check the Temperature: Use a meat thermometer to check if the wings have reached an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C). If they have, congratulations! You’ve just smoked some wings. If not, close the lid and check again in 15 minutes. Safety first, folks! We want our wings to be cooked to perfection, not to mention safe to eat.
  5. Serve and Enjoy: Serve your smoked wings with your favorite dips and watch them disappear in record time. Don’t forget to save some for yourself! Whether you’re serving these at a backyard barbecue or just enjoying them on a Tuesday night, they’re sure to be a hit.

And there you have it, folks! The ultimate smoked chicken wings recipe that’s sure to make you the talk of the town. Or at least, the talk of your backyard barbecue. Enjoy!

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